INTRODUCTION The following terms and conditions define a relationship between RDP.Gold, referred to as "us", "we", "our", "RDP.Gold", "provider" and "company" and The Client, referred to as "customer", "client" and "you" By using RDP.Gold services, you automatically agree to all conditions mentioned within the ToS ("Terms of Service"), so please read through it carefully, understanding each point. You also agree to our Privacy Policy. Each individual customer is valued by us, and in such we understand questions may arise regarding our Terms of Service. If in this is the case, we request you contact our support team as soon as possible. Each clients security is also valued by us and we make sure that your information is protected, and secure. AMENDMENTS CLAUSE RDP.Gold reserves the right to modify these terms and they are subject to change at any time. It is your responsibility to check our ToS for any changes which may have encured. Should any changes be made, we will add a declaration at the top of our terms of service stating a change has been made as well as the date of edit. We may also try to inform our clients about the change, however we are not bound to. Your continued use of any of our services shows acceptance of any changes which may have taken place. As we add new features, we will update our ToS to match these features. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate any services to obide with the law and our ToS. You can stop using our services at any time, however we'll be sorry to see you go. You should check these terms regulary to make sure you are up to date. Should any changes be made, we will add a declaration at the top of our terms of service stating a change has been made as well as the date of edit. 1. REFUNDS & CANCELLATIONS 1.1 We understand that not everyone will be happy with our services, and as such we offer a 24-hour money back guarantee for customers on our services. However some limitations do apply,   1.1.1. Addons are non-refundable   1.1.2. The order was a renewal order. These are non-refundable   1.1.3. The order was an upgrade order. These are non-refundable   1.1.4. If you have cancelled your service, you cannot request a refund. 1.2 No refund will be provided if a chargeback was initiated. 1.3 No refund will be provided in the case that your server is terminated by us 1.4 No refund will be provided for the remainder of the billing cycle, if you decide to opt out of your server. 1.5 No refund will be provided if: 1.5.1 The issue is not caused by us 1.5.2 You did not contact us previously to attempt to fix your issue 1.5.3 Your order has a promotional code added to it 1.6 After the 12-hour time period has expired, refunds are down to the descretion of staff. However, if any of the above limitations apply, a refund may not be provided even within the 12-hour time period. 1.7 Refunds are only provided and avaliable to first-time buyers only. Refunds for clients who aren't first time buyers are up to the discretion of staff In order to request a refund, the customer must open a ticket requesting a refund, prior to the 12-hours expiring, after the time of the product activation. 2. RENEWALS 2.1 All servers are paid in advance for X amount of days, rounded up to the next day. This means that if you ordered a server at 3 AM in the morning (local time to our servers) on the 14th April for 30 days, your server will expire on the 15th April at 00:00 local time to our servers. 2.2 Once your server has expired, we will keep a temporary snapshot of your files for 3 days. During these 3 days you may contact our support team to get your server back online, but on another IP.We will not be able to reinstate any services after these 3 days, all files on these services will be lost. 3. PAYMENTS 3.1 RDP.Gold uses Sellix Ecommerce LLC. ("Sellix") and Stripe Inc. ("Stripe"), as it's official payment gateways, and information shared to RDP.Gold is described in our Privacy Policy. 3.2 For a service to be activated, the payment must be sent and verified. Only after this has happened, will your service be activated. Note, there may be a 72-hour delay. 3.3 All disputes will be regulated by the Fraud Act of 2006 and unauthorised disputes will be reported to the authorities. We will handle any disputes with our legal team. 3.4 In the event of a dispute being lost by RDP.Gold we have the right to send debt collectors to obtain our funds 4. SUPPORT 4.1 We try our best to repsond to each and every ticket within a reasonable timeframe, however some tickets may require more advanced support and therefore require a longer time to look into. 4.2 Attempting to bump your ticket by sending constant messages in it may result in your ticket taking longer to reply, as you'll be sent to the bottom of the queue. 4.3 We reserve the right to decline support to your ticket and / or service, if it's not an issue caused by us. We also may terminate your services, with no refund, or ban you from using our support system 4.4 We are human, being abusive to us may result in being declined support. 4.5 Please note, emailing us is not a sustainable way to obtain support. 5. ELIGIBILITY AND AVAILABILITY 5.1 IF ANY OF OUR SERVICES ARE OFFLINE, WE WILL NOT OFFER A REFUND, HOWEVER YOU MAY BE OFFERED ACCOUNT CREDIT AND/OR EXTRA DAYS ON YOUR SERVICE. 5.2 IF ANY OF OUR SERVICES ARE OFFLINE, YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED VIA SOCIAL MEDIA AS WELL AS OUR STATUS PAGE. 5.3 TO ORDER SERVICES FROM RDP.Gold YOU MUST BE OVER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18), AND WE ASSUME ANY CLIENTS ARE OVER THAT AGE. 6. USAGE AND LEGAL OBLIGATIONS 6.1 You may not use any of our services for reasons which break the law, this includes but is not limited to "cracking" or "checking" along with other illegal activities. 6.2 You may not attempt to, or bypass any of our restrictions and limited which have been set. 6.3 No cracking softwares/illegally obtained softwares/unlicensed softwares may be installed on our services. 6.4 We do not permit crypto currency mining, scanning of foreign networks or foreign IP addresses and the use of fake source IPs on our servers. 6.5 Failure to comply with these restrictions will result in your server being terminated. You will not be compensated for the lost time on your server if it was terminated due to abuse. 6.6 The client must bring their own Windows license as RDP.Gold does not provide Windows licenses. 7. SERVICE LIMITATIONS 7.1 All of our services are subjected to both hardware and software limitations. 7.2 RAM and disk space allocated to your server is restricted based upon your package of purchase. Your server will be allocated 100% of the RAM and disk space which you have purchased. 7.3 On our shared CPU plans, the CPU in the host system is shared between multiple of our customers, and limited to a specific amount of vCPUs based on the plan you have ordered. This is not the case on dedicated CPU plans where you are the sole tenant of the CPU core in question. 8. LIABILITY 8.1 In no circumstance are we held accountable for any damages. Including but not limited to; Data Loss and Downtime caused by the clients use of our services. It is the client’s responsibility to backup data and hold this information. 8.2 Should a client request backup files and these cannot be found, we cannot be held liable as they should be holding this information. 9. ABUSE 9.1 Abuse refers to the excessive (over 100%) usage of our services and includes but is not limited to:   9.1.1. CPU Usage   9.1.2. Excessively large files   9.1.3. Illegal activity   9.1.4. Bypassing of limits   9.1.5. Any purposeful attack towards RDP.Gold 9.2 Any attempt to cause harm to a server, or customer on RDP.Gold is strictly prohibited. As a customer, you are responsbile for all accounts, services and actions. Violating this TOS as well as this clause may result in a service suspension with no refund. 9.3 We reserve the right to terminate any subscription at any time if this clause is violated or we have sufficient evidence to prove the attempt, planning or discussion to break this clause. 11. PROMOTIONS 11.1 We cannot guarantee that any promotions offered across our websites will be active all the time. 11.2 We reserve the right to remove any promotions 11.3 We reserve the right to remove a promotional code from any active orders 12. SUPPORT 12.1 All support requests are to be opened via the Billing System or Tickets via our Discord Server. 12.2 We reserve the right to refuse any support for your server without providing a reason. 12.3 We reserve the right to permanently deny you support from our services 12.4 If we believe your servre violates the Minecraft End User License Agreement we may deny support 14. LEGAL 14.1 We reserve the right to consult authorities if needbe in case of any issues whether it be a violation of the Terms of Service or illegal action. 14.2 Any communication which takes place between you and us will remain confidential unless we're required to provide it legally. 14.3 By contacting our support and potentially sharing your server details with the agent, you give us permission to modify and edit your server to help you out. We do not store your server details, hence the need to hand them over manually to our support team. 14.4 In case of needing to provide evidence to the relevant authorities we reserve the right to suspend your server until the matter is resolved. 14.5 RDP.Gold is exempt from any liability for all claims which may arise from the customer's usage of the services. The customer is solely responsible for everything done on and with the server in question. 15. FAIR USAGE 15.1 To make sure that everyone is obtaining the fairest amount of the resources, if we find out that your service may be using a system to bypass limits, or you're using external moditifications, which includes but not limited to crypto currency miners, on our services we can terminate your server without refund. 16. TERMINATION 16.1 We reserve the right to terminate your server upon any violation of terms, or where we deem neccessary.